Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
Display Crossbar Error Countersdisplay the count of various types of errors.
The dspxbarerrcnt command shows numbers of various types of errors on each slot-link. Note that the
error can occur anywhere along the path of the ASIC a nd t he har dware on th e servi c e module . The type s
of errors apply to th e 60-byte switch frame s .
Note This low-level command applies to software or hardware development and is not useful for
troubleshooting the network or node. For troubleshooting the node, use dspndalms and dspswalms.
You can see the thresholds of the alarms th at th e errors trigger by using dspxbarerr thresh.
The following types and instances of errors appear by slot number (see example screen):
Loss of synchronization between the ASIC and the queuing circuitry on the service module. The
synchronization in this cas e ap pl ie s to the timing of the inter na l switching frames (Sframes ). L o ss
of synchronization is a very serious error.
Receiver code violations (Rx Cv column in the display).
Receiver disparity errors (Rx Disp column in the display). A disparity error is a summary of five
ASIC-specific alarms.
Transmitter parity errors.
CRC failures for the h e ad e r o r th e payload of the 60- byt e Sframe.
Failures to remap between slots as needed or excessive remapping between slots (Slot Remap and
Slot Recur columns in the display).
Parity errors in back-pressure messages.
A top-down sequence of troubleshooting commands for isolating faults in the switching fabric are:
1. dspndalms
2. dspswalms
3. dspxbaralm
4. dspxbarerrcnt
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dspxbarerrcnt <slot> <plane>
Syntax Description
slot The slot of the switching fabric. On the MGX 8850 node, the slot is 7 or 8.
plane The plane is the number of the switch ASIC. On the MGX 8850 node, the range for
either slot is 02.