Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands
Clear All Configurations
Deletes the configuration of all th e cards in the switch. After c lrallcnf, you need to reconfigure th e
switch. (See setrev.)
The clrallcnf command clears all co n fig urat io n in f or mat io n exce pt f or t he boot IP address (see
bootchange) and the time of day.
Caution Be absolutely sure you need t o exec ut e c lrallcnf because it clears all configur at io n files on t he
PXM45. After you enter clrallcnf, the system prompts you to confirm the action.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Related Commands
Clear all the configuration ele ments for all the cards in the n od e. The system prompts for confirm a tio n .
node1.7.PXM.a > clrallcnf
All SM's config will be deleted, and
the shelf will be reset.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No)?
Log: no log State: active, init Privilege: SERVICE_GP