Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands addpnni-node
ATM Address of the Node
A switch-level ATM address consists of:
An eight-bit byte that identifies the format of the address. The format is either E.164 or the more
common NSAP.
19 8-bit bytes for an ATM addre ss .
The last byte of the ATM address is the selecto r by te.
The Selector byte identifies the host application on the switch. Host ap pl ic ati on s l ike PN N I sin gl e
and multiple peer groups, IP connectivity, and AESA ping have the same ATM address up to the
19 th. byte. The selector byte differen ti ate s between these applications:
The selector byte for a single-peer gro up i s 0 1.
The multi-peer group selector byte s are 210 and refer to the level of the logical node.
AESA ping is 99.
Note For information on port-level ATM addresses, see the description of addaddr.
Figure5-2 Switch-Level ATM Address
PNNI Logical Node Identifi er
A PNNI logical node iden tifi er ( no d e I D ) co ns i s ts of :
A number that indicates the level fo r th e l og ic al no d e w it h in a h ie r ar chy. The curr en t r el ease
supports only one level.
The length of the ATM address for the node ID.
An ATM address (the same ATM address as the physical switch).
In Figure 5-3, the level is the default of 56. The length is 160 bits because the ATM address format
is one of the NSAP type sN S A P I CD in th is case (as the 47 in the ATM format field shows) . For
an E.164 address format, the length of an ATM address is expr esse d as decimal digits. For the
node-level AT M add re ss , the leng th is 1 5. (NSAP a ddr ess l e ngths are in bits , whe re as E.16 4 addr ess
lengths are in decimal dig it s.)
of Bytes 21 136 6
00 91 81 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 00
ICD MAC address MAC address
Default ATM address