Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands cnfpnni-pkttrace
Configure PNNI Packet Tracespecify the parameters to trace packets.
This command applies to debugg in g . I t c au s es t he switch to check the PNNI pack ets tr an s mit te d and
received at each peer. For example, if an interfa ce i s n ot r ece ivin g use r-tra ffic, yo u can exec ute
dsppnni-pktrace to display packet information that can help you find the level and type of blockage.
The cnfpnni-pkttrace command specifies the trace command exa min es t he co n ten ts of PN N I p ack ets
exchanged between two neighboring nodes. A PNNI packet consists of a Hello packet and the topology
information packets.
Note Executing cnfpnni-pkttrace can significantly increase operational overhead, thereby degrading
network performance. You should consider executing this command while the node carries little or
no live traffic. If you execute cnfpnni-pkttrace while live traffic is present, you may want to
consider tracing the packets for o ne d ir ect io n at a time (transmit or receive).
If you plan to use the optional -portId parameter but do not have the logical format of the port ID, use
dsppnport. For details, refer to the Syntax Description of cnfpnni-pkttrace.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
cnfpnni-pkttrace {tx {on|off} | rx {on|off} } [node-index [-portId port-id |
-svcIndex svc-index]]
Syntax Description
tx Specify whether the switch tr ac es transmitted packets.
on: Trace the transmitted packets
off: Do not trace the transmitt ed p ack ets
Default: (no default)
rx Specify whether the switch traces rec eived pa ckets.
on: Trace the received packets
off: Do not trace the received packets
Default= (no default)
node-index In the current release, the only supported val ue fo r node-index 1. The node index
indicates the relative level of the l ogical node within a multi -peer group on the switch.
The range is 110, and the lowest level is 1.
Range: 110
Default= 1