Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
Display Crossbar Error Thresholddisplay the thresholds for alarms of different severities.
A crossbar can have nine types of errors, and each error has a threshold. The errors are loss of
synchronization, a variety of parity and CRC errors, and so on (see Definitions of Crossbar Errors).
The items that make up a threshold a re th e:
Duration of the errored state
Number of errors during that time period
Upper and lower error counts within a particular alarm sever ity ( m i no r, maj or, and critical)
Note The default settings for crossbar er ror th r esh olds are optimal for nearly all ap pl ic ati on s. The
dspxbarerrthresh command shows the existing thresholds. If necessary, you can c hange thresholds
through the cnfxbarerrthresh command.
The two types of alarm counts fo r each o f th ese severities. (Refer to the example.) T he h ighe r co un t is
the Alarm Count and is the h ighest number of errors th at triggers an alarm of a pa r tic ular severity. The
lower count is the Release Count: when the n umber of errors drops below the Release Co unt, the alarm
severity drops to the next lo wer se v eri ty. For example (using the def aul ts s ho wn i n th e ex ampl e dis p lay) ,
if the number of transceiver errors d r op s b elow 4 0 (a m aj or a larm), the alarm turns into a m ino r a lar m .
The higher count for a minor, major, and critical alarm is the number of errors that trigger that alarm.
The lower count is number of er r o rs that causes the severity to dro p t o th e next lower severity.
The types of errors whose thresholds are displayed are:
1. Loss of synchronization (LossOfSync)
2. Transceiver error (TranscieverErr)
3. DisparityErran accumulation of five AS IC -level errors
4. ParityErra parity erro r i n the switch frame as a whole
5. HeaderCRCErra CRC error for the switch frame header
6. PayloadCRCErra CRC error for the switch frame payload
7. RemapTwiceErr
8. RemapRecurrErr
9. Backpressure parity error (B.P.ParityErr)a parity error in the signaling for backpres sur e
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Syntax Description
This command takes no parameters.