Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Com m ands cnfpnportcac
Related Commands
Usage Guidelines
This section uses three examples to d esc ribe the booking factor.
1. For no overbooking or oversubscription, suppose that a user has a 100-Mbit link and the booking
factor is 100.
PNNI advertises 100 Mbit s to the network.
The link on the service module is configured for 100 Mbits.
2. A booking factor less than 100% re sults in link oversubscription because the bandwidth booked for
each connection exceeds the config u re d ba n d w id th for th e co nn ect io n . Th is situation is referred to
as overbooking.
Suppose that, for the same 100-Mbit link, the booking factor is 10.
PNNI advertises 1000 Mbits (calculated by 100 * 100/10 = 1000)
The link is configured on the service module for 100 Mbits.
3. Booking factors greater than 100% result in link undersubscription, and the bandwidth booked for
a connection exceeds the connect io n 's c onfigured bandwidth. This situa tio n is re fe rred to as
For the same 100-Mbit link, the booking factor is 200.
PNNI advertises 50 Mbits (calculated as 100 * 100/200 = 50)
The link is configured on the service module for 100 Mbits.
The policing bandwidth is bas ed on th e co nf igu re d b andwi dt h an d n ot the b ook f a ctor. For a 10-Mbit
connection, the policing is 10 Mbits, regardless of the booking factor.
-maxvc The max-vc-percent is the maximum percenta ge of VCs for a service category
on this port.
Range: 0100
Default: 100
-minvc The min-vc-percent is the minimum percentage of VCs for a ser vice category on
this port.
Range: 0100
Default: 0
-maxvcbw The max-vc-bw is the maximum number of cells per second specified by the
PCR allowed for a VC in a service category on this port.
Range: 0 through the maxi mum possible line rate
Default: 0 (disabled)
Log: log State: active Privilege: GROUP1