Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands cnfpnni-timer
Usage Guidelines
PTSE packets update the peer group when network changes occur. Your network should run fine with
the defaults PTSE tim in g parameters. Netwo r ks t h a t ha ve p r operties significantly different from the
norm may perform better if you optimize some of the PTSE parameters, but you should change these
parameters carefully, and test the network before introducing live traffic.
For example, if no one is permitted to change a network topology (perhaps for test purposes), you may
decide that the default -ptseH olddown value (1 sec) is too small, causing sequential broadcasts of
identical PTSE packets. Further reason for making such a change would be given if the network was a
small and its connections were short. Inversely, it may warrant a s maller -ptseHolddown value if many
changes are being m ad e t o a network, or if it was la rg e, or if it had many long c o nn e c ti ons. These are
only examplesthese changes should only be made be network experts.
Related Commands
-avcrMt Specify the minimum th r esh old used in the algorithm s t hat determine
significant change for available cell rate (AvCR) parameters which are
expressed as a percentage. You can change this value to minimize the
overhead created by adve rt isements triggered by AVCR chang es.
avcr-mt is expressed as a percentage.
Range: 199 per cent.
Default = 3 per cent.
-cdvPm Specify the proportional multiplie r used in the algo rith ms tha t
determine significant chang e for Cell Delay Variation (CDV)
parameters which are expressed as a percentage. is the variation of
delay between cells, measured peak to peak.You can change this value
to minimize the overhead c r ea ted by advertisements trig ge red by CDV
cdv-pm is expressed as a percen tag e.
Range: 199 per cent.
Default= 25 per cent.
-ctdPm Specify the proporti onal mult iplie r use d in the algo rith ms tha t
determine significant chang e for cell transfer delay (C TD ) pa rameters
which are expressed as a percenta ge . You can chan ge th is valu e t o
minimize the overhead created by advertis ements triggered by changes
to CTD values.
ctd-pm is expressed as a percen ta ge .
Range: 199 per cent.
Default= 50 per cent.
Log: log State: active Privilege: SUPER_GP