Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands cnfalm
Thresholds for SONET SectionThresholds for SONET Line
severity A keyword and number to iden tify the severity of the alarm that is triggered when any
of the specified thresholds is crossed : 1 = minor alarm, and 2 = major alarm. Pr ecede
the alarm severity with the appropriate keyword. For the alarm severity keyword for
each line type, see the first item in ea ch of the lists follows. (For examp l e, -secsev
refers to the severity of the section alarm on a SONET line.)
thresholds The number of instances of whatever the keyword identifies. The rang e fo r ea ch
threshold is 1to 2^32-1. The keyword precedes each threshold. For example,
-lnsesf15 10 means 10 instances of severely errored framing seconds on a line during
a 15-minute period.
-secsev <Severity> Severity of the alarm (1 = minor, 2 = maj or ) for S ON E T
-seces15 <ES15min> Errored seconds during a 15-minu te pe ri od.
-seces24 <ES24Hr> Errored seconds during a 24-hour pe riod .
-secses15 <SES15m i n> Severely errored seco nds during a 15-min ute period.
-secses24 <SES24H r > Severely errored seco nds during a 24-ho u r period.
-secsefs15 <SEFS15min> Severely errored frame seconds during a 15-minute period.
-secsefs24 <SEFS24Hr> Severely errored frame seconds during a 24-hour period.
-seccv15 <UAS15min> Unavailable seconds during a 15-minute period.
-seccv24 <UAS24Hr> Unavailable seconds during a 24-hour period.
-lnsev <Severity> Severity of the alarm (1 = minor, 2 = major) for SONET line.
-lnes15 <ES15min> Errored seconds during a 15-minute period.
-lnes24 <ES24Hr> Errored seconds during a 24-hour period.
-lnses15 <SES15min> Severely errored seconds during a 15-minute period.
-lnses24 <SES24Hr> Severely errored seconds during a 24-hour period.
-lncv15 <CV15min> Code violations during a 15-minute period.
-lncv24 <CV24Hr> Code violations seconds during a 24-hour period.