Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands runrev
Run Revision
Causes a new firmware versio n to sta rt run ni ng. In a redu nda nt c ar d pair, runrev first causes the standby
card to become the active card. The runrev command is the second of the required commands in a
graceful upgrade. It runs on th e PX X M 4 5 but can t arg et eit he r a s e rv ic e mo d ul e o r th e PXM45.
The order of commands in a graceful upgrade, including the option of aborting the upgrade, appears in
the following list. For clarification o f th e s tat es i n a g r acef u l u p grad e , see Table 2 -12 and Tab le 2-1 3.
1. loadrev loads a firmware version f rom t he h ar d di sk to a cards memory. In a non-re dundant card
setup, loadrev does not cause the system to reset the CARD.
2. runrev causes the primary card to start running the new version. For a redundant pair of cards, the
standby becomes the active card then starts running the new version.
3. If an unacceptable problem occur s , the opt iona l abortrev command restores the previous vers ion of
firmware as well as the previous dat ab ase contents.
4. commitrev declares the new primary version to be acceptable and removes the old primary from
main memory (but not the hard disk).
The sequence of commands for a grac eful revision change appear in the fo ll owin g li st. S ee Ta ble 2-1 0
and Table 2 -11 for a c lari fication of the various states within t hi s seq u en ce.
1. loadrev loads a firmware version f rom t he h ar d di sk to a cards memory. In a non-re dundant card
setup, loadrev does not cause the system to reset the car d .
2. runrev causes the primary card to start running the new version. For a redundant pair of cards, the
standby becomes the active card then starts running the new version.
3. If an unacceptable problem occur s , the opt iona l abortrev command restores the previous vers ion of
firmware as well as the previous dat ab ase contents.
4. commitrev declares the new primary version to be acceptable and removes the old primary from
main memory (but not the hard disk).
A graceful upgrade takes a single card or a redundant card pair through different stages. Also, if you
must execute abortrev on a redundant pair, th e card (or possibly both cards in a redund ant pair) are reset.
The stages of a graceful upgrade and th e reset actions appear in Tab le 2-1 0 for a single-card upgrade and
Table 2 -11 for a redundant-pair upgrade.
The tables start by showing that, ini tia ll y, the primary and secondary versions of firm wa re ar e 2.x, so
the only possible operational version is 2.x. The loadrev command loads a generic version call ed 2 .y,
and the upgrade sequence prog re ssively ch an ge s th e primary and secondary firmware versi on s.
Table2-12 Single-Card Upgrade From 2.x to 2.y
Status Initial Version After loa drev After runrev After
Primary 2.x 2.x 2.y 2.y
Secondary 2.x 2.y 2.x 2.y
Operational 2.x 2.x 2.y 2.y
After abortrev,
the card is reset.