Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter3 Equipment and Resource Provisioning addrscprtn
Add Resource Partition
Add a logical partition of resources for a network controller on a port. Before you add resource
partitions, be sure a plan exists f o r fut ur e d evelo pm ents, such as the addition of a n ew c on tro ll er.
Note The addpart and addrscprtn commands are identical. The name addrscprtn is consistent with the
corresponding command in Relea se 1 of the MGX 8850 switch. U se whichever command name suits
you purpose. The same identification applies to commands that display and delete a resource
partition. In fact, you co ul d a dd a resource partition with addrscprtn then disp lay an d del ete that
partition by executing dsppart and delpart, respectively.
A resource partition cons i s ts of:
Guaranteed percentage of bandwidth.
VPI and VCI ranges.
Guaranteed minimum and maximum number of connections.
Note The maximum number of connections must be greater than 10.
Before adding a resource partition, you must:
Activate physical lines on the card (upln and optional cnfln).
Add logical ports to the physical lines (addport and optional cnfport).
Execute addcontroller on the PXM45 to identify a controller type to the Cisco Virtual Switch
Interface (VSI) and give that controller a n ID n u mb er. The a ddrscprtn comma nd takes this
controller ID as an argument.
The current network control appl ication is PNNI. For possible futur e use, plan the partitioning to refle ct
possible use of MPLS or other controllers.
Note For VNNIs (virtual trunks), you can conf ig ure one VNNI pe r port an d one port pe r pa rtit i on. Spe cify
the VNNI interface type through the addport command.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
addrscprtn <if_num> <part_id> <ctrlr_id> <egrminbw> <egrmaxbw> <ingminbw> <ingmaxbw>
<minVpi> <maxVpi> <minVci> <maxVci>
Note The maximum number of connections must be at least 10.