Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands adduser
Related Commands
cnfuser, dspusers, deluser, cnfpasswd, whoami
Add a user named fin with privilege level GROUP1. To add a GROUP1 user, the current user-prefilter
level must be SUPER_GP or high er. To determine the current username, execute t he whoami command.
To see all current privilege levels, execute dspusers.
If the privilege level of the current user in t hi s ex am p le is GROU P1 o r lowe r, the co m ma nd fails after
you enter the password for the second time, and the system returns a message stating that you entered
an incoherent value for “–l (the level).
pinnacle.7.PXM.a > adduser fin GROUP1
Enter password:
Re-enter password:
Add the user leroy but without establishing a password for ler oy. The system displays the default
password newuser. Subsequently, either a network administrator or the user leroy can execute the
cnfpasswd command to create a password.
pop20two.7.PXM.a > adduser leroy ANYUSER
Enter password:
(default password “newuser” will be used)
Log: log State: active Privilege: GROUP1