Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter3 Equipment and Resource Provisioning addport
Related Commands
cnfport, delport, dspport, dspports, dspportsct
Create logical port 1 on line 1, bay 1. Currently, the minimum and maximum cells per second must be
the same and are 96000 cps in th is exam pl e. T he egress SCT file ID is 4. The int erface type is NNI (2).
MGX8850.9.AXSM.a > addport 1 1.1 96000 96000 4 2
sctID The ID of a service class templ ate (SCT) for the port. The ran ge is 0 255. The
SCT file must exist on the PXM45 disk. See cnfcdsct.
Cisco Systems provides SCT numb ers 2 a nd 3 . You can create m ore SCTs by
modifying an existing SCT through the Cisco WAN Manager application and
saving it with another SCT number. Subsequently, you can assign the new SCT
to the port by the sctID pa ram et er in cnfport .
Note Currently, the system does not sup p or t cer ta in parameters in the
SCTs, so you can specify them through addcon, cnfcon, or Cisco
WAN Manager. These parameters are PCR, SCR, an d IC R.
ifType Specifies the interface type:
1 = UNI
2 = NNI
3 = Virtual path NNI (VNNI)
vpi Virtual path identifier in the ra n ge 1 4095.
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