Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands addpnni-node
Usage Guidelines
All nodes ship with a default ATM address, node ID, and peer grou p ID. Cisco uses these defaults to set
up and test the switch. Before the switc h ca rrie s live traffic, you sho ul d sp eci f y n ew addr es ses . For this
purpose, you can either use the cnfpnni-node comma nd or clear the configuration then u se th e
addpnni-node command. (You can clear the PNNI configuratio n by usi ng e ither clrcnf or clrallcnf.)
The Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Software Configuration Guide explains node-addressing in the
section, Guidelines for Crea ti ng an A d dre ss Plan.
Related Commands
cnfpnni-node, delpnni-node, dsppnni-node
Add a PNNI node with the following configuration then use dsppnni-node to check the configuration:
The PNNI hierarchy level is 56.
The node is on the lowest leve l o f th e P NN I h ie ra rc hy.
The node ATM address is 47.00918100000000309409f1f1.00309409f1f1.01.
The node PNNI identifier is 56:160:47.00918100000000309409f1f1.00309409f1f1.01.
The peer group ID is 56:47.009181.0000.00. The number of bytes specified by the level paramet er
is 7 (level=56). Therefore, with the level itself requiring 1 by te and the pg-id having 7 bytes, the total
is 8 bytes. As dsppnni-node shows, the system adds 0s for the remaining 6 bytes.
The node is enabled.
The node permits traffic to cross it on the way to other nodes.
Enter the parameters in a contigu o us lin e. The CLI allows wrapping (not appar en t i n th e ex amp le) .
SanJose.7.PXM.a > addpnni-node 56 -lowest true -atmAddr
-nodeId 56:160:47.0091 81000000 00309409f1f1.00309409f1f1.01 -pgId
56:47.00.9181.0000.0000.0000.0000.00 -enable true -transitRestricted off
SanJose.7.PXM.a >
Display the PNNI node configuration.
SanJose.7.PXM.a > dsppnni-node
node index: 1 node name: SanJose
Level............... 56 Lowest.............. true
Restricted transit.. off Complex node........ off
Branching restricted on
Admin status........ up Operational status.. up
Non-transit for PGL election.. off
Node id...............56:160:47.00918100000000309409f1f1.00309409f1f1.01
ATM address...........47.00918100000000309409f1f1.00309409f1f1.01
Peer group id.........56:47.00.9181.0000.0000.0000.0000.00
SanJose.7.PXM.a >
Log: log State: active Privilege: GROUP1