Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands cnfdiag
Configure Diagnostics
Enables the online or off line diagnostics. The cnfdiag command also configures the time settings for the
start time and coverage for running the offline diagnostic s. When you enter cnfdiag with no parameters,
it displays the curre nt c o n figu r a t io n and status of the dia g no s t ic s.
The cnfdiagall command is the same as cnfdiag except that it configures all slots on the card at once.

The Purpose of the MGX 8850 Diagnostics

MGX 8850 diagnostics were imp le men ted to tes t a nd va l idat e the com muni cat io n pa ths on t he c ont roll er
(PXM45) and the service m o d ul es ( A X S M ) to en s ur e re li ab ili ty before and during oper at ion. The
diagnostics are always scheduled from the PXM 45 contro ller ca rd whethe r or not the y ru n on the PXM45
card or the AXSM card.
For backward compatibility, the M G X 8 8 50 Release 2.1 switch ha s two buses on its backpla ne :
A 1.2 Gbps Cellbus
A 45 Gbps MGX 8850 Release 2.1 bus
Because of the difference in bus sp ee ds on the backplane, the Reliabil it y Availability Serviceability
(RAS) requirements demand that diagnostics be run periodically on the communications paths.
Consequently, diagnostics should be running periodically on both active and standby cards, but
especially on standby cards. It i s im portant that standby cards are tes t ed u sin g di ag no st ics per i od ic all y
and frequently so that when an active card fail s, the standby card has been tested and is ready to assume
the active card state immediately.

Online Diagnostics

Online diagnostics are nondestructive tests (that do not interfere with active traffic) and run on either
active and standby cards. The MGX 8850 sw itc h supp orts se ve n onl in e dia gnos tic s test s. Three te sts run
on the PXM45 card, and four tests run on the AXSM card.

PXM45 Online Diagnostics

Active State
When you enable online diagnostics on an active PXM45 card, the following test runs:
Crossbar loopback test on QE1210, Humvee, and Crossbar paths
Standby State
When you enable online diagnostics on a standby PXM45 card, the following tests run:
Framer loopback test on QE1210, ATLAS, and OC-3 Framer paths
Crossbar loopback walk test on QE1210, Humvee, and Crossbar paths

AXSM Online Diagnostics

Active State
When you enable online diagnostics on an active AXSM card, the following test runs:
Crossbar loopback test on QE, Humvee, and Crossbar paths