Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter3 Equipment and Resource Provisioning switchapsln
Switch APS Line
Switches the specified wo r ki n g A P S lin e (bay, line) to its protection line.
See the description for the addapsln command for a detailed exp lan at io n of Automatic Protection
Switching (APS).
Cards on Which This Command Runs
switchapsln <bay> <line> <switchOption>
Syntax Description
Related Commands
addapsln, cnfapsln, delapsln, dspapsln, dspapslns, dspapsbkplane, clrbecnt, dspbecnt
MGX8850.9.AXSM.a > switchapsln 1.1.1 3 1
bay The working bay nu m b er t o switch.
line The working line numb er t o s w itc h.
switchOption The method of performing the switch.
1 = clear (returns to w orking line)
2 = lockout of protection
(locks out the specified APS pair from being switched to protection line)
3 = forced working->protection
(forces a working line to p rotection line switch unl ess the protection line i s
locked out)
4 = forced protection->working
(forces a protection line to working line switch; 1+1 architecture mode only)
5 = manual working->protection (m an ua l sw i tch )
6 = manual protection->working (m an ua l switch; 1+1 architecture mod e on ly )
service switch When set to 1, this field caus e s al l A P S l in e s t o switch to their protected lin es .
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