Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter7 SPVC and SVC Commands
Configure Connection
Modifies the bandwidth, poli cin g, and ro uting pa rame ters of an exi stin g endpoi nt. Thi s comm and appl ies
to only an SPVC or SPVP. For ABR-specific parameters, use the cnfabr command.
The command param et ers consist of:
A logical port, VPI, and VCI to identify the connection
Bandwidth parameters for the local (master) end then the remote (slave) end
Policing parameters for the co nnec tion as a whole
After you specify the mandatory connection identifier, all other parameters are optional.

Card(s) on Which the Comman d Executes


Usage Guidelines for cnfcon

The following sections discuss the application of certain cnfcon parameters.
Note On DAX connections, using cnfcon at the slave end has no effect. For DAX connections, use cnfcon
at the master end only, and the parame ters will take effect on the cont ro ll er as w ell .

Traffic Parameters

Traffic para meters such as PCR, SCR, MBS are entered at both the master and slave endpoints for both
the forward and reverse directions. B e sure that the value entered as local on one en d i s eq ual to the
value entered as remote on the other end. For example, the lpcr on the slave endpoint should be same
as the rpcr on the master endpoint and vice vers a when you provision the connection at the other end. If
you modify traffic parameters after creating an SPVC, you just modi fy them at either the master endp oint
or the slave endpoint.
Traffic parameters such as CDV, CTD are entered at both the m aster and slave endpoints for both th e
forward and reverse directions. However, the values of t he se p ar am e te rs entered at the slave end are
ignored during call setup. Therefore, you can specify the lcdv, rcdv, lctd and rctd options at the master
end only.

Routing Parameters

The routing paramet er maxcost (specified using -mc option) need to be entered at the master endpoint
only. The values of this parameters entered at the slave end is ignored and not considered during call

Frame Discard

For the parameter frame discard (specified using - frame option), you need to enter it at only the master
endpoint. This parameters has no si gn i ficance at the slave end.
For the MGX 8850 2.0 release, if you try to enable fram e dis car d at the slave en d poin t y ou wi ll n ot get
an error message. Nothing will hap pen, and fram e di scard wi ll no t ta ke ef fe ct. In fu tu re re leas es, an e rro r
message will be displayed if y o u t r y t o en ab le fram e discard at the slave end point.