Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
Related Commands
clrlog, dsplogs
-sev Specifies the severity of the alar m. Select it by entering a number i n the range 17:
1. EVENT_FATAL: This severity indicates that the event affects the existing data
traffic for the systems and is cons id er ed fa ta l b eca us e th e pl atf o r m ca nn o t re c over.
Fatal events cause a card reset. Also, a ny error or condition that damages o r ca use s
loss of ongoing data traffic is fatal. Examples of fatal events are hardware watchdog
timeout, critical task failure or suspension, and hardware device failures of CBC or
2. EVENT_MAJOR_ALERT: This severity indicates a major service o r feature of the
platform has been damaged or l ost but that existing data traffic is not affected . These
events indicate that immediate actio n is n ec e ssa ry to r ecove r th e p la tf or m o r se rv ice
by posting traps and major alarms. Ex amp le s o f m ajo r al erts ar e h ar d dis k cras h es,
critical memory shortages, an d inability to complete a config u r ati on c hange.
3. EVENT_MINOR_ALERT: This severity indicates a minor event or partial damage
to or loss of a service on the platf o rm . N everth el es s, ex isting data traffic and critical
services are not affected. These events i ndi cat e that eventual action is necessary to
recover the platform or service by posting a minor alarm condition. Examples of
minor alerts are loss of some tftp or telnet sessions and loss of statistics or other
non-critical features.
4. EVENT_ERROR: This severity in d icates that an error occurred but is not sever
enough or it does not know the scope of its implication to be more sever. Most
detected failures are reported with this severity, then the higher levels of software
determine the appropriate respon se. Examples of these errors are malloc failures,
illegal API parameter values, b ad P D U s , a nd mo st internally detected failu re s .
5. EVENT_WARNING: Thi s se v eri ty indi ca tes t ha t some th resh old ha s be en re ache d
and could be a warning of a future error condition. Examples are resource shortages
of memory and disk space, voltage and temperature just out of tolerance, and other
conditions that could lead to a more serious situation.
6. EVENT_NOTICE: This s everity indicates that a n or mal but significant event ha s
occurred on the platform. Events f or si g ni ficant co nfigu r ati o n c ha ng es would be in
this category. Examples of notic e ty pe events would be addition of lines o r ports and
connection alarms.
7. EVENT_INFO: This severi ty in d icates an event is information al. It does not
indicate an abnormal condition. Exa mples of informational events are logging o f user
logins and important commands.
-tle Specifies a particular ti m e fo r w h ich t o di s pl ay event s : s a m e t im e o r ear li er t im e.
-tge Specifies a particular ti m e for which to display events: s a m e t im e o r later time.
Log: no log State: active, standby, init Privilege: ANYUSER