Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands
After you execute runrev, the PXM45 updates the database records on disk if changes occur (such as
changes to the configuration or network topology). If you revert to the previous version by executing
abortrev, the post-runrev changes are lost. For example, if a switch w as added to the network between
runrev and abortrev, the restored database has no record of the topology change.
Version Numbering Conventions
This section describes h ow to in te rp r et the version number of a firmware image. Commands such as
loadrev and setrev require a version number rather than a filename. Similarly, dspversion shows the
firmware version number rather than the firmware filename. Although the version number derives fro m
the firmware filename, they are d is ti n ctl y di fferent.
Firmware Filenames
The FW directory on the hard drive contains firmware files of possibly many revisions. (Each firmware
file has the fw file extension.) The format of a firmware filename is:
Note that platform is an optional field because it applies to only the PXM45. For example, a firmware
file may have the name axsm_002.000.000.001.fw. Within this filename, the version-po r tio n is (Note the absence of mgx.) This version-portion has the following format:
major-release.minor-release.mainte nance.patch
The range for each releas e, maintenance, and patch is 0255. Note that, as you read left-to-right, each
element is a superset of the ele m en t o n th e ri gh t , an d th e nu m b er o n the right resets to 0 or 1 when th e
element on its left is incremented. For example, if the m inor-release number 010 rolls to 011, the
maintenance on its right is reset to 1, so the new version in the example is (Note the
anomaly here is that the maintenance number resets to 1 rather than 0 beca use of the IOS convention of
starting maintenance numbers at 1.)
Version Numbers
To derive the firmware version number, the firmware filename is altered by removing insignificant
zeroes and being reformatted to include parentheses. The format of a version number is:
Table2-11 Redundant Pair Upgrade From 2.x to 2.y
status Before upgrade After loadrev After runrev After commitrev
Active Standby Active Standby Standby Active Standby Active
Primary 2.x 2.x 2.x 2.x 2 .y 2.y 2.y 2.y
Secondary 2.x 2.x 2.y 2.y 2.x 2.x 2.y 2.y
Current 2.x 2.x 2.x 2.y 2.y 2.y 2.y 2.y
abortrev resets
only standby card. abortrev resets
both cards.