Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands
Add User
Adds a user account w i th associated name, privi lege level, and password. U s er names must begin with
an alpha character. The maximum number o f us ers i s 1 00 .
The privilege level of the user you are add in g mu s t b e l ower th an th e use r-level at which you execute
adduser. For example, to create a user with a pr ivil ege 1, y ou mu s t lo g in as a superuser or above.
You can execute commands that require either th e same or lower level privilege. With superuser ac cess,
for example, you can execute commands that require superuser, group 1, or anyuser privilege. The
minimum access level for a command appears in the Attributes section of each description.
In descending order of a cces s privilege:
Service (for potentially dangerous configuration commands or comple x troubleshooting commands
Group 1
Any user
Cards on Which This Command Runs
<user ID>
Syntax Description
After you enter a user ID and access level, the system prompts for a password, as the example shows.
user ID String that you enter to log into the CLI of a PXM45 or a service module. Note that:
The name can consist of up to 1 2 c ha ra cte rs composed of alpha and nume ric
characters and can include the sp eci al characters _ and - but no spaces.
The name must begin with an alpha c ha ra cte r.
The name is case sensitive.
The maximum number of user-names on a switch is 50.
accessLevel System privilege level to be al lo cat ed f or t he u ser I D . N o te th at the accessLevel is
case-sensitive and must be en te re d as it appears below:
The new user that you configure must have a lower ac cessLevel than that of the
current user.