Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands cnfclksrc
The syntax for cnfclksrc depends on the clock source.
For the external BITS clock:
cnfclksrc <priority> <portid>
portid has the format [shelf.]slot.port bits e1 | t1 [rever tive <enable | disable>]
For AXSM-sourced clock (note the positions of the periods and colons):
cnfclksrc <priority> <portid>
portid has the format [shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]
Syntax Description
Usage Guidelines for cnfclksrc
This section contains guidance for using cnfclksrc and important details about its para met ers .
Specifying Primary and Second ary Clock Sources
Before using cnfclksrc, note the following:
For a user-configured cl ock, the controller m u st have been specified by us i ng addcontoller.
priority The priority of the clo ck s o u rc e i s ei th er primary or secondary. The default is
portid for BITS shelf is always 1 and is purely optional.
slot is the logical slot number 7 for a BITS circuit on the PXM45-UI S3
(regardless of where the active PXM45 res i de s).
port is a logical number that indicates the upper or lower external clock
connector on the PXM45-UI S3. The logical port number for the upper
connector is 35. The lower connector is 36.
bitsa required keyword once you specify slot number 7 and a port number
of 35 or 36 because you have identified a BITS clock source. Type the string
“–bits followed by a space then either e1 or t1. See U sage Guidelines
for details.
revertivean option that applies to only the BITS clock. Type the string
“–revertive followed by the complete word enable or disable. The
default is disable. See Usage Guidelines for cnfclksrc for import an t det a ils .
portid for AXSM shelf is always 1 and is purely optional.
slot is the slot number of the A XSM .
subslot identifies the upp er or l ower bay of the back c a rdeither a 1 for the
upper bay or 2 for the lower bay (default is 1).
port is the line number on the AXSM. (The specified line must already be
active (see upln).
subport is the logical port number in the range 160. This value is the logical
port (or ifNum) that you must have assigned through addport.