Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter3 Equipment and Resource Provisioning cnfapsln
Configure APS Line
Configures the APS parameters for a line (working line). Use the cnfapsln command after creating the
line using the addapsln command.
See the description for the addapsln command for a detailed exp lan at io n of Automatic Protection
Switching (APS).
Cards on Which This Command Runs
-w <working line>
[-sf SignalFaultBER ]
[-sd SignalDegradeBER]
[-wtr Wait To Restore]
[-dr direction]
[-rv revertive]
Syntax Description
workingLine Slot number, bay number, and line number of the active line to configure, in
the format:
Example: -w 1.1.1
SignalFaultBER A numbe r bet wee n 3 a nd 5 i nd ica ting th e Si gn al F au lt Bi t Error Ra te (B ER),
in powers of ten:
3 = 10-3
4 = 10-4
5 = 10-5
Example: -sf 3
SignalDegradeBER A power if 10 in the range 59 that indicates the Signal Degrade Bit Error
Rate (BER):
5 = 10-5
6 = 10-6
7 = 10-7
8 = 10-8
9 = 10-9
Example: -sd 5