Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
Display Nodal Congestion Thresholds
Displays configuration of the nodal congestion thresholds.
Cards on Which This Command Runs

Output Description

setuphi The number of conne ct io n setup messages per s ec ond, above which the se t- u p
messages have congest ed th e node.
Range: 1105 calls per second
Default: 100 calls per sec on d
statenqlo The number of status enquiry messages per second, below which the status enquiry
congestion condition is dropped.
Range: 1500 calls per second
Default: 100 calls per sec on d
statenqhi The number of conne ct io n setup messages per second, above which th e status
enquiries have congested the node.
Range: 1 500 calls per second
Default: 200 calls per sec on d
connpendlo The aggregate number of connections in the establishment phase, below which
establishment congestion is dropped.
Range: 11000 connections
Default: 400 conne cti on s
connpendhi The aggregate number of connections in establishment phase above which the
establishment congestion sets in
Range: 11000 connections
Default: 500 connections
incompjour The number of incom pl ete journaling cycles that must be ex cee ded to increase the
journaling speed.
Range: 110 cycles
Default: 5 cycles