Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
About This Manual
Welcome to the command line interface (C LI) do cu men t ati on for the Cisco MGX 8850 wide area
routing switch, Release 2.
This chapter discusses:
Related Documentation
Command Changes
Cisco documentation and ad di tio nal literature are available in a C D - ROM p ac ka ge, which ships with
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monthly. Therefore, it might be more current than printed documentation. To order additional copies of
the Documentation CD-ROM, contact y ou r lo ca l sa les representative or call customer se rvice. The
CD-ROM package is available as a single p ac kage or as an annual subscripti on. You can also access
Cisco documentation on the W orld Wide Web at http://www . cis co. com , htt p: //www-c hina . cisc o.co m, or
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This publication provi des instructions for us ing the MGX 8850 co mm a nds in the CLI.


The Cisco command line in te rface lets you control the n et wo rk f r om a l eve l so m ewh at b e low th at
provided by Cisco WAN Manager (formerly Cisco StrataView Plus). This document helps network
designers and operators to set up , man ag e, and trou bles ho ot ne twor ks.