Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands dsppnni-bn-path
Display PNNI Border Node Pathsdisplay the PNNI border node paths.
This debugging command displays the border node-to-border node paths of the immediate
child-peer-group of the logical group nodes (LGN).
Note The command applies to multi-peer groups only.
Cards on Which This Command Runs


dsppnni-bn-path <node-index>
Syntax Description

Contents of the dsppnni-bn-p ath Output

node-index The node index indi cat es t he rel at i v e le v el of th e l ogic al nod e wi th in the hi erarc h y on
the switch. The range is 110, and the lowest level is 1.
Range: 110
Default: none
node index The range is 110.
source node IDB index The node identifier within th e in ter n al data base (IDB).
Range: 12147483648
source node ID The node ID of the s o ur c e .
destination nodeIDB index The node ID of each destination node .