Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands dsppnni-reachable-addr
Display Contents for dsppnni- reachable-addr
The table contains all reachable addr esses within a peer group comes f rom the internal data base (IDB).
Related Commands
Note The UNI 4.0 address scope. Refer to ATM forum documentation for
a description of these scopes. The current release does not support
UNI 4.0, so scope currently is alw a y s 0.
port id The logical port identifier.
Exterior The flag that indicates whether the node is an interior or exterior node.
true:the node is an exterior node.
false: the node is an interi or n ode .
ATMaddr prefix The PNNI summary address assigned t o t h e n ode.
nodename The name of the switch resu lts fr o m t he cn fname command and appears in th e
CLI prompt.
Advertising node
number The number of the re m o te no d e that has advertised info r m at io n to the current
node. This number has a range of 1256 and appears only if you specified the
network argument.
The local node generates the node nu m b er s in th e s e qu en ce th at i t d is c overs it s
neighbors. You can only provide it as a command parameter or view it in
applicable displays. (Note that this node index or node number is not the node
index that identifies a node with i n t h e h ier arc hy of a multiple-peer group . Se e
dsppnni-node for details on the local node index.)
Transit Network ID The transit network ID identifies a network where connectio ns from the current
node do not terminate.Th is n umber applies to static a dd r es ses on ly. The
application of this option depends on the design intent of the user. The ID can
have up to four IA5 characters (IA5 i s a su p e rs et of t he ASCII character set).
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