Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter3 Equipment and Resource Provisioning cnfcdsct
Configure Card SCT
Assign a service class templa te ( SCT ) to an AXSM at the card level. Th e t em p la te co ntains bandwidth
and policing parame te r s f o r a n A X S M .
Note Currently, the system does not support certain parameters in the service class templates (SCTs), so
you can specify them through addcon, cnfcon, or Cisco WAN Manager.
These parameters are (when applic able) PCR, SCR, and ICR.
Usage Guidelines
The cnfcdsct command is card level because it applies to the cards interface to the backplane. (See
addport for specifying an SCT for a port. ) The f ol lowin g ch ar act er ist ics apply to cnfcdsct.
A valid SCT file must exist on the PXM45 disk before you execute cnfcdsct. To see a list of SCT
files on the disk, execute cd to get to th e S C T d ir ec tory, then execute ls to see the dire cto ry named
You must execute cnfcdsct only when the card is down.
You cannot change the SCT configuration if any ports, lines, or partitions are configured.
To see the ID of the current SCT, use dspcd for the c ard-level SCT or dspport for a port-level SCT.
To see the actual contents of SCT 2 and SC T 3 , u s e dspcdsct.


The node supports a template approach to specifying parameters for large numbers of connections. ( You
can modify an individual connection as needed through cnfcon.) The name of such a t emplate is service
class template (SCT). The targets of template application are the logical ports on the one hand and the
card itself on the other. The addport command lets you specify an SCT for a port, and cnfcdsc t lets you
specify an SCT for the card. You can specify th e sa m e o r d iffer ent S C T n u m be r fo r ei th er t he port or
card-level, but you definitely need to s pe cif y an SC T f o r eac h car d an d po r t. The sy s te m au to ma tic ally
assigns a card-level SCT to a card or a por t-level SC T o f t he sam e n umb er t o a p o rt. ( For exam pl e, if
you specify SCT 2 for a port, the system does not assign card-level SCT 2 to that port.)
Cisco Systems provi des SCT numbers 2 and 3. SCT 2 contains pol icing parameters, but S CT 3 does not.
You should specify SCT 2 or 3 or create new templates by modifying SCT 2 or 3 in the Cisco WAN
Manager application and saving them with different SCT numbers in the range 1255.
Until you specify an SCT, the AXSM has a de faul t S CT of 0 . T he system uses SCT 0 when:
The AXSM is power ed -up for the first ti me.
The cards database is rebuilt .
The card is rebooted and the user-specified SCT file for a particular port is corrupt or missing. In
this situation, the default ap plies to only the affected po r t.
Cards on Which This Command Runs