Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands
Identifying Physical and Logical Elements
Not all of these elements corre spo n d to el em en t s yo u sp eci fy o n th e P XM 4 5 . Su bse quent paragraphs
describe only the common elements t hat are visible on the CLI of the PXM and the service module. The
preceding elements are further de fined i n th e Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Software Configuration
Guide, Release 2.0.
For a UNI or NNI, one logical interface (or logical port) exists per physical line. For virtual network to
network interfaces (VNNIs), you can configure multiple ports on a line. The maximu m number of logic al
ports on an AXSM is 60 regardless of the AXSM model or the number of lines on the back cards. The
range of logical port numbers is 1 60 for an AXSM regardle ss of whether the interface type is UNI, NNI,
or VNNI.
PNNI Format
The PNNI controller requires th e f o llow ing f or mat t o i de nt if y a p h ysi cal p ort:
The PNNI physical port identifier (physical port ID) consists o f a se ries of mandatory elements. No te
the period or colon associated with each element inside the square brackets. The elements of the physical
port ID are as follows:
The shelf is always 1 for the current product and so is usually omitted.
The slot number of the front card.
Subslot is the number of the bay where the back card resides. This number is 1 or 2.
Port is th e p hy si cal line.
Subport corresponds to the resource partition on the AXSM. For a UNI or NNI, this resource
partition is the same number as the logical port number (ifNum) on the AXSM. For a virtual
network-to-network interface (VNNI), the number does not directly correspond to the
For each physical port number, PNNI als o g en erat es a logical port number as an e ncr y pted f or m of t he
physical port number. The logi cal po rt nu m ber a ppea rs as an u nfo rmatte d numeri c al st ri ng. Fo r e xa mple,
a PNNI physical port ID may have the form 1:1.2:2, so the PNNI logical port number would be
16848898. Where needed, the descrip tions in the PNNI command chapter define th e need for this logical
port number. (This section does not define a PNNI logical port number, nor does it describe the
correspondence between an AXS M p or t an d a PN N I lo g ica l p o rt n umb er.) For th e correspondence
between a PNNI physical port and the port identifier on an AXSM, see Table 2 -4.
As Table 2 -4 shows, a port to PNNI is a line on the AXSM , an d a subp or t to PNN I is a log ica l in ter fa ce
(or logical port) on an AXSM. An example of a PNNI physical port identifier is 1:2.1:1. This portid
corresponds to an AXSM, wit h th e f o ll owing p ar tic ulars:
Slot 1
Table2-4 Mapping PNNI Port ID to AXSM Elements
Shelf N/A
Slot Slot
Subslot Bay (for upper or lower back card)
Port Line
Subport Logical interface (or port)