Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter7 SPVC and SVC Commands dspcon
Display Connection
Display information about an SPVC. The contents of the display on the AXSM and the PXM45 differ
slightly. On both cards, the dspcon output appears in sections to make th e in fo r mat ion easier to sort.
Most of the information in the dspcon output comes from addcon execution. See the addcon description
for more information. Also, executi n g c nfpnni-intf can affect the dspcon output.
Display Connection on the PX M45
On the PXM45, dspcon shows the following connection identifiers:
NSAP address, status, and owne rshi p o f l ocal and r emo te e nds o f t he co nne cti on . Th e disp la y sh o ws
whether a particular endpoint is th e m ast er o r slave.
The provisioning parameters in the display show:
Connection type of VPC or VCC.
Service type and compliance (for example, UBR for service type and UBR.1 for ATM Forum
Bearer class (relates to voice traffic and is reserved for future use).
Whether continuity checking o r fr am e d is c ar d a re en ab le d (se e addcon d escription).
Cause of the last failure. This field can also show that no errors have occu rre d since the connection
was first added by displa ying SPVC Established . I f a fai lu re o ccu r re d, th e At te m pt s fie ld sh ows
the number of times the system attempted to re-establish service. If no failures have occurred, the
Attempts field contains a 0.
L-Util and R-Util are the lo ca l and remote percent of uti li zation assigned to the con ne cti on .
Currently, the default of 100% is the only value.
Cost values for the connections route: the two fields in this category are Max Cost and Routing
Cost. The Max Cost is a cost-per-link configured for a service type (such as UBR) through the
cnfpnni-intf command. When yo u a d d th e SPVC through addcon, you can specify a maximum
routing cost through the maximum cost (m axc ost ) para met er. The maxcost represents the ma ximu m
cost for an individual connection. Th e s yst em uses the cost-per-link for the se rv ic e t yp e an d t h e
maxcost for the connection to d etermine whether a route costs to o much. After the system creates a
route, the total number of links yields the Routing Cost.
The default cost-per-li nk is 5040, so if a particul ar service type uses the default and a route consists
of 4 links, the Routing Cost is 20160. If the dspspvc display shows that Max Cost is 1, no limit
was specified through cnfpnni-intf, and the resulting Routing Cost is 0.
Broadcast type: point-to-point or multicast.
The Traffic Parameters section shows the sta ndar d pa ra m et er s P C R, S CR , a nd CDV in the receive and
transmit directions.