Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Com m ands dspintfcongcntr
Display Interface Congestion Counters
Display the congestion th r es h ol d s f or a port. This command cann ot be u s ed if t he in terface is in
PROVISIONING state or if the interface (IF in the display) is down.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dspintfcongcntr <portid>
Syntax Description
Related Commands
dspintfcongth, cnfintfcongth
Geneva.7.PXM.a > dspintfcongcntr 11:2.2:22
Parameter Value thresh1 thresh2
setupRx 0 140 180
unackstatenq 0 40 100
Parameter Value Mild Medium Severe
vsiqdepth 0 5 10 20
Geneva.7.PXM.a >
Note: vsiqdepth is the depth of the VSI queue for the slave that serves the interface identified by portid,
and this is displayed a s the percentage of V S I c o m m unication window size .
portid The portid is the PNNI physical port. Th e f o rm at is [shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport].
See also PNNI Format, page 6-4.
Log: nolog State: active, standby Privilege: SU PER_ GP