Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter3 Equipment and Resource Provisioning
Related Commands
addapsln, delapsln, dspapsln, dspapslns, switchapsln, dspapsbkplane, clrbecnt, dspbecnt
cnfapsln -w 1.1.1 -sf 3 -sd 5 -wtr 5 -dr 2 -rv 1
Wait To Re sto re The number of minutes to wait after the working line has become f unctional
again, before switching back to the working line from the protection line.
The range is 512.
Example: -wtr 5
direction 1: unidirectional, 2: bidirectional
Example: -dr 2
Bidirectional means that bo th th e receiving and transmitting paths ar e
switched. Unidirectional mean s t ha t o n ly th e affected path, receiving or
transmitting, is switched.
revertive 1: non-revertive, 2: revertive
Example: -rv 1
Log: log State: active Privilege: GROUP1