Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
The crossbar configuration consists o f f ou r ca tego ries of information for each slot:
The type of backpressure is always Inband (meaning ingress direction). A crossbar does not have
buffers (as the AXSMs do) and therefore must send backpressure signals to the queuing chips on
each AXSM if congestion begins to occur in the switching plane.
The Disable Request field automat ica ll y indicates any requests to turn o ff a sou r ce or d es t in at io n
for the link between the ASIC an d th e s er vice module. The hardware alone generat es the disable
request, so you cannot make a disable request as part of troubleshooting.
The Disable Data field indicates whether data transfer has been turned off for source or destination.
In the current product, the field for source and destination always is No.
The Redundancy Configuration field shows the m ode of redundancy used by the ASIC and wheth er
redundancy configuration exists for a slot. The redundancy mode is alwa ys Rem ap. Remap means
that the switching fabri c automatically maps cell t ransfers to the correct slot if a switchover occurs
in a redundant pair. Note that, if a sw it chover occurs, the logical slot number in the endpoint ID
stays the same.
The Slot column for Redundancy Configuration shows whether card redundancy exists, as follows:
if the slot number under Redundancy Configuration differs from the number in the Slot Number
column (far left in the example screen), a card redundancy configuration exists for that slot pair.
Note From the number of fixed values in the p r ece di ng fi eld s, yo u can s e e t ha t ve ry l itt le can change in
the crossbar configuration it s elf .
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dspxbar [slot] [plane]
Syntax Description
Related Commands
dspswalm, dspxbaralm, dspxbarerrthresh, dspxbarerrcnt, clrxbaralm, clrxbarerrcnt
slot (Optional.) The slot number of the XM60. Valid slot numbers are 9, 10, 25, and 26.
Subsequently, specify a switching p lane in the range 0 to 3.
plane (Optional.) The number of the switching plane. If you do not specify a plane, the
system displays information for pl an e 0 a s a de faul t . In an MGX 88 50 nod e, t he rang e
is 02.
Log: no log State: active, standby, init Privilege: ANYUSER