Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands pvcifconfig
PVC Interface Configuration
Modifies an existing PVC to support IP connectivity to a feed er such as a BPX switch or an MGX
Release 1 switch.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
pvcifconfig <interface> <router | local> <pvc_address>
[ atmarp | noatmarp ]
[ llcencap | vcmux ]
[ default | nodefault]
[ reset ]
[ delete ]
[ up ]
[ clrstats ]
Syntax Description
interface An alphanumeric str i ng t ha t i de nt ifies th e interface type. The choices are:
lnPci0 for Ethernet (the default on power-up)
atm0 for the ATM.
sl0 for SLIP
Enter the entire keyword.Where appropriate, eac h subseq uen t parame ter
description identifies charact eris ti cs t h at dep en d o n th e t yp e of i nt er fac e.
router | local Specifies whether the AESA cor re spon ds t o a ro ut er or the l ocal PXM4 5. Bo th
router and local ends should be configured. Configure the local e nd first, then
execute pvcifconfig to specify the router end.
You must enter the entirety of one of these keywords. T he AE SA is an N S AP
address used by the router or the local PXM45.
pvc_address The VPI and VC I o f th e P V C . Th e fo rm at is vpi.vci.
[atmarp | noatmarp] (Optional) Enables or disables ATMARP on a PVCif the connected router
supports ATMARP. Furthermore, it applies to only the ATM End Station
Address (AESA) configuration at the routers interface. (See ipifconfig
llcencap | vcmux Applies to the router link o nl y. This pa ra met er sp eci fies encapsulation. The
choice primarily depends on whether the router supports LLC Snap
encapsulation (llcsnap). The alternative is VC-based multiplexing (vcmux).
default | nodefault (Optional) Specifies wheth er t his PVC is the default route on th e i nterface.