Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands dsppnni-ptse
next higher level binding
information IG length A 16-bit number.
The current release does not support higher level binding.
parent LGN id The parent LGN ID is a 22-byte hex st rin g. Th e cur re nt rel ease do es
not support logical group numbers (LGNs).
parent LGN ATM address The parent LGN ATM address is a 20-byte, hex string. The current
release does not support group numbers (LGNs).
parent PG id The peer group ID (of length level) assigned to the parent PG. The
peer group is the PNNI local group. The peer group consists of all
PNNI nodes with matching -pgId values. The current release does
not support parent peer groups.
Default: Figure 5-1 shows the factory-set default.
parent peer group PGL The parent peer group PGL iden ti fier i s a 22-byte hexadecimal
The current release does not support PGL.
Nodal State IG Parameters
type The ASCII string that indi cat es t he ty p e o f th e IG nodal state
length A 16-bit number.
flags A string of 8-bit flags.
input port id The logic al identi fier on the inpu t interfac e. For more de tails, see
PNNI Format.
Range: 12147483648
output port id The logical PNNI identifier on the output interface. For more
details, see PNNI Format.
Range: 12147483648
Internal Reachable ATM Address IG Parameters
type The ASCII string that indi cat es t he ty p e o f th e in ter n al reachable
ATM address IG parameters.
length A 16-bit number.
flags A string of 8-bit flags.
port id The logical PNNI identifier on the interface. For more details, see
PNNI Format.
Range: 12147483648