Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
Display Cell Counts for the Card
The dspcdbucketcnt command shows the following ce ll-related counts:
Cells transferred between the ca rd a nd t he ba ckplane
Cells from the QE 48
CLP0 and CLP1 cells that the card dropped
Invalid, errored, and unsupported OAM cells
Errored RM cells
In addition to the other b uck et com man d on th e AXSM (dsplnbucketcnt), the display commands for t he
switch planes on the PXM45 may h elp you analyze cell flows. (See th e dspxbar-type commands.)
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Syntax Description
This command takes no parameters.
Related Commands
dsplnbucketcnt, all the dspxbar-type of commands except dspxbarstatus
Display the bucket counters for the current AXSM.
MGX8850.12.AXSM.a > dspcdbucketcnt
cells to backplane(QLSI) : 0
cells from QE 48 : 5347
cells from backplane(QLSI) : 6917
CLP0 cells dropped : 0
CLP1 cells dropped : 0
undefined cells from port : 0
errored OAM from port : 0
invalid OAM from port : 0
unsupported OAM from port : 0
errored RM cells from port :0
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