Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter4 ILMI Commands dsppnilmi
Displays the ILMI information for a PNNI logical port. The ILMI state can be one of the following.
Note The VC for ILMI is a control c ha nnel, but its bandwidth par am e ter s a re fixe d, as follows:
PCR=1000 cps; SCR=50cps; and MBS=1024 cells.
The bandwidth used by ILMI (when enabled) and other control-type VCs (see cnfpnctlvc) adds to
the bandwidth load on the port. Use dspload to determine the load on port resources.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dsppnilmi <portid>
Syntax Description
Related Commands
Disable Protocol is not enabled o n th is po r t.
NotApplicable This port is not accessible due t o h ar d wa re -rel at ed co nd it io n s .
LostConnectivity Protocol on listening port is not enabled.
EnableNotUp This port is not accessible due to hardware.
UpAndNormal This port is physically up, and the protocol is enabled.
portid The portid is the PNNI physical port. Th e f o rm at is
[shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. See also PNNI Format, page 4-2.
Log: nolog State: active, standby Privilege: A NYU S E R