Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
Configure Crossbar Manage men tconfigure load sharing
The application for is a redunda nt PXM45 setup . It all ows t he MGX 8850 to mai ntain i ts pea k throug hput
of 45 Gbps without requiring a switchover to the standby cards if a switch ASIC becomes defective. In
this scheme, one of the switch A SIC s on th e s t an dby P X M 45 tak es over th e sw it ching for the defective
ASIC on the active PXM45.
Note On an MGX 8850 node, this command applies to Release 2.1 or higher.
Regardless of whether the node has redundant PXM45s or a load-sharing configuration, you can still
investigate alarms and errors through a hierarchy of shelf-ma na ge ment and crossbar-related commands:
1. dspndalms
2. dspswalms
3. dspxbaralm
4. dspxbarerrcnt
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Syntax Description
loadSharing 0 = disable load sharing.
1 = enable load sharing.
However, if a bad switch ASIC already ex ists , th e switch blocks the
1 = force load sharing to be disabled
when one or more bad swit ch A S I Cs exist on the active PXM45.
autoShutdown A 0 disables automatic shut-d ow n. A 1 enables automatic s hu t- d own . T he
default is disabled.
planeAlarmThresh An alarm thresh o ld for de cla ri ng th at a s wi tc h plan e is bad. Eac h unit of the
threshold represents a link b etw ee n the switch ASIC and the ca rd. (The
determination of a bad link depends on the crossbar error threshold.)
If the number of bad links reaches the threshold, the active PXM45 shuts
down the ASIC and shifts t he sw it ching load to the standby P X M 45 . T he
range for planeAlarmThresh is 132.