Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter7 SPVC and SVC Commands cnfabr
Related Commands
addcon, cnfabrtparmdft, dspabrtparmdft
MGX8850.1.10.AXSM.a > cnfabr 1 77 777 -mcr 100
THE SG NUM is: 0.
Configuration successful
-nrm Keyword that specifies the maximum number of cells that the source can send for
each forward RM-cell. Nrm is a power of 2 in the range 2256.
-trm Keyword that specifies the ma ximum number of milliseconds for one RM-cell to travel
from source to endpoint. The range is 100 x 2-7 to 100 x 20 milliseconds.
-cdf Keyword that specifies the Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF). This value controls the
decrease in Allowed Cell Rat e (ACR) associated with Missin g RM-cell count (CRM).
CDF can be either or the following:
A power of 2 in the range 1/64 to 1
CRM limits the number of for w ard R M - cel ls t ha t m ay be sent in the absence of
received backward RM-cells. CRM is an in teg e r. Its si ze is i mplementation specific.
-frtt Keyword that specifies the Fixed Round-Trip Time (FRTT). This is the sum of the
fixed delays plus the propagation delays from the source to the destination and back.
The range is 0 16.7seconds.
-tbe Keyword that specifies the Transient Bu ffer Exp o sur e (T BE ). This is the negotiated
number of cells that the ne t wo r k w o ul d lik e to limit the source to se nd ing during
startup periods, before the first RM-cell returns. The range is 016,777,215 cells.
-intvsvd Keyword that spe ci fies t he internal virtual sour ce / virtual destination (V S / VD ) .
-extvsvd Keyword that specifies the external virtual source / virtual destination (VS/VD).
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