Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter7 SPVC and SVC Commands
Command Entry
Command Entry
When you enter a command with the current version of the product, you must type all intended
arguments before you press the Return key or Enter key.
If you press the Return key or Enter key with incorrect parameters or no parameters (if the command
requires paramete r s ) , a m es s a ge displays the synt ax and parameter r a n ge s. The returned me s sa g e m ay
also suggest what the problem i s. For example, the message may w ar n of t oo f ew p ar ame ters. No error
messages or warnings appear u nt il yo u co mp le te the command.
Identifying the AXSM Models
The model number of an AXSM identifies the line s peed, line count, and number of bays (see Ta ble 7- 1.)
Note that the number of lines applies to an individual back card, so the total number of lines supported
by the front card equals the highest line number times the number of bays. The OC-48 card
AXSM-1-2488 has the lowest number of linesone. The highest number of lines exist on the
AXSM-16-155 and AXSM-16-T3E316, as the name indicates.
The MGX 8850 node uses the concept of a bay. The bay refers to the upper or lower location of a
single-height card. (The switch has a double-height card cage, so a single-height back card necessarily
occupies either an upper or lower position.)
The T3/E3, OC-3, and OC-12 versions of the AXSM can have two back cards, one in bay 1 (upper
location of the back slot) and the se cond in b ay 2 (lo wer slo t). The MGX-AXSM-1 -2488 (OC-48 AXSM)
can have a back card in bay 1 only. For further descriptions and illustrations of the card sets, refer to
Cisco MGX 8850 Hardware Installation, Release 2.
Connection Capacities of the AXSM
The SVC and SPVC connection ca pa cities for the front card, back card , a nd physical lines appear in
Table 7 -2 and Tabl e 7-3. The capacity o f a single AXSM card is greater th an th at o f th e n o de it self.
Nevertheless, the tables provide thes e m ax im u ms wh en y o u p la n th e u s e of c omm ands such as
addrscprtn, addcon, and any other command where yo u m ay wa nt to k n ow the ca pacity of the
configured item to support connec tions.
Table7-1 Valid Line Numbers and Number of Bays for AXSM Card Types
Front Card Speed Lines Bays
AXSM-1-2488 OC-48 1 1
AXSM-4-622 OC-12 1212
AXSM-16-155 OC-3 1812
AXSM-16-T3E3 T3, E3 1812