Initial System Setup for a Cluster Configuration

Performing an Initial System Setup on the First Fabric Interconnect

Before You Begin
1Verifythe following physical connections on the fabric interconnect:
• A console port on the first fabric interconnect is physically connected to a computer terminal or
• The management Ethernet port (mgmt0) is connected to an external hub, switch, or router
• The L1 ports on both fabric interconnects are directly connected to each other
• The L2 ports on both fabric interconnects are directly connected to each other
Formore information,refer to theCisco UCS HardwareInstallation Guide for your fabric interconnect.
2Verifythat the console port parameters on the computer terminal (or console server) attached to the console
portare as follows:
• 9600 baud
• 8 data bits
• No parity
• 1 stop bit
3Collectthe following information that you will need to supply during the initial setup:
• System name.
• Password for the admin account. Choose a strong password that meets the guidelines for Cisco UCS
Managerpasswords. This password cannotbe blank.
• Three static IP addresses: two for the management port on both fabric interconnects(one per fabric
interconnect)and one for the cluster IP address used by Cisco UCS Manager.
• Subnet mask for the three static IP addresses.
• Default gateway IP address.
• DNS server IP address (optional).
• Domain name for the system (optional).
Step 1 Connectto the consoleport.
Step 2 Poweron thefabric interconnect.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 69
Initial System Setup for a Cluster Configuration