Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Chassis >Chassis Number >IOModules.
Step 3 Clickthe I/O modulethat you wantto update.
Step 4 Inthe General tab, clickUpdate Firmware.
Step 5 Inthe Update Firmware dialog box, do the following:
a) From the Version drop-down list, select the firmware version to which you want to update the endpoint.
b) (Optional) If you want to update the firmware regardless of any possible incompatibilities or currently
executingtasks, check the IgnoreCompatibility Check check box.
c) Click OK.
CiscoUCS Manager copies the selected firmware package to the backup memory slot, where it remains until
youexplicitly activateit.
Step 6 (Optional) Monitor the status of the update in the Update Status area.
Theupdate process can take several minutes. Do not activate the firmware until the selected firmware package
displaysin the BackupVersion field in the Firmware area of the General tab.
What to Do Next
Activatethe firmware.
Activating the Firmware on an IOMProcedure
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Chassis >Chassis Number >IOModules.
Step 3 Selectthe IO Module node that includes the I/O module for which you want to activate the updated firmware.
Step 4 Inthe General tab, clickActivate Firmware.
Step 5 Inthe Activate Firmware dialog box, do the following:
a) Select the appropriate version from the Version ToBe Activated drop-down list.
Ifone or more of the selected endpoints are not configured with the desired version as the backup version,
CiscoUCS Manager GUI does not display that version in the Set Version drop-down list. Youmust select
theversion from the Startup Versioncolumn for each individual endpoint.
b) (Optional) If you want to activate the firmware regardless of any possible incompatibilities or currently
executingtasks, check the IgnoreCompatibility Check check box.
c) If you want to set the start up version and not change the version running on the endpoint, check the Set
StartupVersion Only check box.
Ifyou configureSet StartupVersion Only, the activated firmware moves into the pending-next-reboot
stateand the endpoint is not immediately rebooted. The activated firmware does not become the running
versionof firmwareuntil the endpoint isrebooted.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 217
Directly Upgrading Firmware at Endpoints