Before You Begin
Ensurethat the appropriate firmware has been downloaded to the fabric interconnect.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Servers tab.
Step 2 Onthe Servers tab, expand Servers >Policies.
Step 3 Expandthe node for theorganization that includes the policy you want to update.
Ifthe system does not includemultitenancy, expand the root node.
Step 4 ExpandManagement Firmware Packages and choose the policy you want to update.
Step 5 Inthe Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6 Inthe firmware table, do the following:
a) In the Select column, ensure that the check box for the appropriate lines are checked.
b) In the Vendor,Model,and PID columns, verify that the information matches the servers you want to
updatewith this package.
Themodel and model number (PID) must match the servers that are associated with this firmware package.
Ifyou select the wrong model or model number, Cisco UCS Manager cannot install the firmware update.
c) In the Version column, choose the firmware version to which you want to update the firmware.
Step 7 ClickSave Changes.
CiscoUCS Manager verifies the model numbers and vendor against all servers associated with service profiles
thatinclude this policy. If the model numbers and vendor match a firmware version in the policy, Cisco UCS
Managerupdates the firmware according to the settings in the maintenance policies included in the service
Adding Firmware Packages to an Existing Service Profile
Ifthe service profile does not include a maintenance policy and is associated with a server, Cisco UCS Manager
updatesand activates the firmware in the server with the new versions and reboots the server as soon as you
savethe changes to the service profile.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Servers tab.
Step 2 Onthe Servers tab, expand Servers >Service Profiles.
Step 3 Expandthe node for theorganization that includes the service profile that you want to update.
Ifthe system does not includemultitenancy, expand the root node.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 229
Upgrading Firmware through Service Profiles