Adescription of the policy. Werecommend that you include information
aboutwhere and when the policy should be used.
Enterup to 256 characters. You can use any characters or spaces except
^(carat), \ (backslash),> (greater than), <(less than), '(single quote),
"(double quote), ` (accentmark), or = (equal sign).
Theserver poolpolicy qualificationassociated with this
Ifa newserver isdiscovered that matchesthe criteria specified in the
serverpool policyqualification, Cisco UCSautomatically creates a
serviceprofile based on theservice profile template selected in the
ServiceProfile Template Name drop-down list and associates the
newlycreated service profile withthe server.
Qualificationdrop-down list
Theorganization associated with this autoconfiguration policy.
IfCisco UCSautomatically creates aservice profile toassociate with
aserver, it places the service profile under the organization selected in
Orgdrop-down list
Theservice profiletemplate associated with this policy.ServiceProfile Template Name
Step 7 ClickOK.
Deleting an Autoconfiguration PolicyProcedure
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, click the Equipment node.
Step 3 Inthe Work pane, click the Policies tab.
Step 4 Clickthe Autoconfig Policiessubtab.
Step 5 Right-clickthe autoconfiguration policy that you want to delete and choose Delete.
Step 6 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
418 OL-25712-04
Configuring Server Autoconfiguration Policies