Whena webclient connects to CiscoUCS Manager,the client needs
tosend refresh requests to Cisco UCS Manager to keep the web session
active.This option specifiesthe maximum amount oftime allowed
betweenrefresh requests for a user in this domain.
Ifthis timelimit is exceeded,Cisco UCS Manager considersthe web
sessionto be inactive, but it does not terminate the session.
Specifyan integer between 60 and 172800. The default is 600 seconds.
WebSession Refresh Period field
Themaximum amount of timethat canelapse after the lastrefresh
requestbefore Cisco UCS Managerconsiders a web sessionto have
ended.If this time limit is exceeded, Cisco UCS Manager automatically
terminatesthe web session.
Specifyan integer between 60 and 172800. The default is 7200 seconds.
WebSession Timeout field
Theauthentication protocol that will be applied to users in this domain.
Thiscan be one of the following:
•Local—Theuser account must bedefined locallyin this Cisco
•Radius—Theuser must be definedon theRADIUS server
specifiedfor this CiscoUCS domain.
•Tacacs—Theuser must be defined on the TACACS+ server
specifiedfor this CiscoUCS domain.
•Ldap—Theuser must be definedon theLDAP serverspecified
forthis CiscoUCS domain.
Ifthe Realm is setto anythingother than Local,this field allows you
toselect theassociated provider group, if any.
ProviderGroup drop-down list
Step 5 ClickOK.
Selecting a Primary Authentication ServiceSelecting the Console Authentication Service
Before You Begin
Ifthe system uses a remote authentication service, create a provider for that authentication service. If the
systemuses only local authentication through Cisco UCS, you do not need to create a provider first.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 151
Selecting a Primary Authentication Service