• Service profile templates
Theroot organizationis always the top level organization.
Hierarchical Name Resolution in a Multi-Tenancy EnvironmentIna multi-tenantenvironment, Cisco UCS uses the hierarchy of an organization to resolve the names of
policiesand resource pools. When Cisco UCS Manager searches for details of a policy or a resource assigned
toa pool, the following occurs:
1CiscoUCS Manager checks for policies and pools with the specified name within the organization assigned
tothe serviceprofile or policy.
2Ifa policyis found or an available resource is inside a pool, Cisco UCS Manager uses that policy or
resource.If the pool does not have any availableresources at the local level, Cisco UCS Manager moves
upin the hierarchyto the parent organization and searches for a pool with the same name. Cisco UCS
Managerrepeats this step until the search reaches the root organization.
3Ifthe search reaches the root organization and has not found an available resource or policy, Cisco UCS
Managerreturns to the local organization and begins to search for a default policy or available resource
inthe defaultpool.
4Ifan applicabledefault policy oravailable resource ina defaultpool isfound, CiscoUCS Manageruses
thatpolicy or resource. If thepool does not have anyavailable resources, Cisco UCS Manager moves up
inthe hierarchy to the parent organization and searches for a default pool. Cisco UCS Manager repeats
thisstep until the search reaches the root organization.
5IfCisco UCSManager cannotfind anapplicable policy or availableresource in thehierarchy, it returns
anallocation error.
Example: Server Pool Name Resolution in a Single-Level Hierarchy
Inthis example, all organizations are at the same level below the root organization. For example, a service
providercreates separate organizations for each customer. In this configuration, organizations only have access
tothe policies and resource pools assigned to that organization and to the root organization.
Inthis example, a service profile in the XYZcustomer organization is configured to use servers from the
XYZcustomerserver pool. When resource pools and policies are assigned to the service profile, the following
1CiscoUCS Manager checks for an available server in the XYZcustomer server pool.
2Ifthe XYZcustomerserver pool has an available server, Cisco UCS Manager associates that server with
theservice profile and discontinues the search. If the pool does not have an available server, Cisco UCS
Managerchecks the root organization for a server pool with the same name.
3Ifthe root organization includes an XYZcustomer server pool and that pool has an available server, Cisco
UCSManager associates that server with the service profile and discontinues the search. If the pool does
nothave an available server, Cisco UCS Manager returns to the XYZcustomer organization to check the
defaultserver pool.
4Ifthe default pool in the XYZcustomer organization has an available server, Cisco UCS Manager associates
thatserver with the service profile and discontinues the search. If the default pool does not have an available
server,Cisco UCS Manager checks the default server pool in the root organization.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
156 OL-25712-04
Hierarchical Name Resolution in a Multi-Tenancy Environment