Memorymirroring enhances systemreliability by keepingtwo
identicaldata images in memory.
Thisoption is only available if you choose the mirroring option
forMemory RAS Config. It can be one of the following:
•inter-socket—Memoryis mirrored between two Integrated
MemoryControllers (IMCs) across CPU sockets.
•intra-socket—OneIMC is mirrored with another IMC in
thesame socket.
•PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
Sparingoptimizes reliability by holding memory in reserve so
thatit can be used in case other DIMMs fail. This option
providessome memory redundancy, but does not provide as
muchredundancy as mirroring. The available sparing modes
dependon the current memory population.
Thisoption is only available if you choose sparing option for
MemoryRAS Config. It can be one of the following:
•dimm-sparing—OneDIMM is held in reserve. If a DIMM
fails,the contents of a failing DIMM are transferred to the
•rank-sparing—Aspare rank of DIMMs is held in reserve.
Ifa rank of DIMMs fails, the contents of the failing rank
aretransferred to the spare rank.
•PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
Whetherthe systemprioritizes low voltage or high frequency
memoryoperations. This can be one of the following:
•power-saving-mode—Thesystem prioritizes low voltage
memoryoperations over high frequency memory
operations.This mode may lower memory frequency in
orderto keep the voltage low.
•performance-mode—Thesystem prioritizes high
frequencyoperations over low voltage operations.
•PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 393
Configuring BIOS Settings