•Page5: Settingthe Server Boot Order, on page 504
•Page6: Addingthe MaintenancePolicy, on page507
•Page7: Specifyingthe Server Assignment, on page509
•Page8: AddingOperational Policies, on page511
Page 1: Identifying the Service ProfileThisprocedure directly follows the steps in Creatinga Service Profile with the Expert Wizard, on page 489.
Itdescribes how to set the identity of a service profile on the Identify ServiceProfile page of the Create
ServiceProfile (expert) wizard.
Step 1 Inthe Name field, enter a unique name that you can use to identifythe service profile.
Thisname can be between 2 and 32 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters
otherthan - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and this name must be unique across all service
profilesand serviceprofile templates within thesame organization.
Thisname must be unique within the organization or sub-organization in which you are creating the service
Step 2 Fromthe UUID Assignmentdrop-down list, do one of the following:
Assignsa UUID from the default UUID Suffix
Continuewith Step 5.
Select(pool default usedby default)
Usesthe UUID assigned to the server by the
Ifyou choose this option, the UUID remains
unassigneduntil the serviceprofile is
associatedwith a server.At that point, the
UUIDis set to the UUID value assigned to
theserver by the manufacturer. If the service
profileis later moved to a different server, the
UUIDis changedto matchthe new server.
Continuewith Step 5.
Usesthe UUIDthat youmanually assign.
Continuewith Step 3.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
490 OL-25712-04
Creating Service Profiles