Thepassword associated with this account. If password strength check
isenabled, a user's password must be strong and Cisco UCS Manager
rejectsany password thatdoes notmeet the followingrequirements:
Mustcontain a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 64
Mustcontain at least three of the following:
Lowercase letters
Uppercase letters
Mustnot containa characterthat is repeated morethan 3 times
consecutively,such as aaabbb.
Mustnot be identicalto the username or the reverse of the
Mustpass a password dictionary check. For example, the password
mustnot be based on a standard dictionary word.
Mustnot contain the following symbols: $ (dollar sign), ? (question
mark),and =(equals sign).
Shouldnot be blank for local user and admin accounts.
Thepassword asecond timefor confirmationpurposes.ConfirmPassword field
Ifthe statusis set toActive, a usercan loginto CiscoUCS Manager
withthis login ID andpassword.
AccountStatus field
Ifchecked, this account expires and cannot be used after the date
specifiedin the ExpirationDate field.
Afteryou configure a user account with an expiration date,
youcannot reconfigure the account to not expire. You can,
however,configure the account with the latest expiration date
AccountExpires check box
Thedate on which the account expires. The date should be in the format
Clickthe down arrow at the end of this field to view a calendar that you
canuse toselect the expirationdate.
CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysthis field when you check
theAccount Expires check box.
ExpirationDate field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 173
Configuring Locally Authenticated User Accounts