• Cisco UCS 6296 fabric interconnect—pre-installed licenses for the first eighteen unified ports enabled
inCisco UCS Manager. Expansion modules come with eight licenses that can be used on the expansion
moduleor the basemodule.
Theeight default licenses that come with a 6200 series fabric interconnect expansion module can be used
toenable ports on thebase module,but will travel with the expansion module if itis removed. Upon
removalof an expansionmodule, any default expansion module licenses being used by thebase module
areremoved from the ports on thebase module, resulting in unlicensed ports.
Portlicenses are notbound tophysical ports. Whenyou disablea licensedport, that license is thenretained
foruse withthe next enabled port. If you wantto useadditional fixed ports, you must purchase and install
licensesfor those ports.
Licensesare not portable across product generations. Licenses purchased for 6100 series fabric interconnects
cannotbe used to enable ports on 6200 series fabric interconnects or vice-versa.
Grace Period
Ifyou attempt to use a port that does not have an installed license, Cisco UCS initiates a 120 day grace period.
Thegrace period is measured from the first use of the port without a license and is paused when a valid license
fileis installed. The amount of time used in the grace period is retained by the system.
Eachphysical port has its owngrace period. Initiatingthe grace period on a singleport does notinitiate
thegrace period for allports.
Ifa licensed port is unconfigured, that license is transferred to a port functioning within a grace period. If
multipleports are acting within grace periods, the license is moved to theport whose graceperiod is closest
High Availability Configurations
Toavoid inconsistencies during failover, we recommend that both fabric interconnects in the cluster have the
samenumber ofports licensed.If symmetry isnot maintainedand failover occurs, CiscoUCS enablesthe
missinglicenses and initiates the grace period for each port being used on the failover node.
Obtaining the Host ID for a Fabric Interconnect
Thehost ID is also known as the serial number.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
248 OL-25712-04
Obtaining the Host ID for a Fabric Interconnect