c) ClickOK.
Step 11 (Optional) Touse this policy to qualify servers according to their storage configuration and capacity, do the
a) ClickCreate Storage Qualifications.
b) Inthe Create Storage Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields:
Whetherthe available storage must be diskless. This can be one of
•Unspecified—Eitherstorage type is acceptable.
•Yes—Thestorage must be diskless.
•No—Thestorage cannot be diskless.
Theminimum number ofblocks required.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter the number of blocks.
Numberof Blocksfield
Theminimum block sizerequired, in bytes.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter the block size.
BlockSize field
Theminimum storage capacityacross all disks in the server, in
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter the minimum storage
MinCap field
Themaximum storage capacityallowed, in megabytes.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter the maximum storage
MaxCap field
Theminimum storage capacityper disk required, in gigabytes.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter the minimum capacity
oneach disk.
PerDisk Cap field
Thenumber of units.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter the desired units.
c) ClickOK.
Step 12 (Optional) Touse this policy to qualify servers according to the model of the server, do the following:
a) ClickCreate Server Model Qualifications.
b) Inthe Create Server Model Qualifications dialog box, enter a regular expression that the server model
mustmatch in theModel field.
c) ClickOK.
Step 13 (Optional) Touse this policy to qualify servers according to power group, do the following:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 427
Configuring Server Pool Policy Qualifications