DescriptionMenu Item
Resizesthe console window to the minimum size needed to display the
videoimage from the server.
Thisoption is only available if the console is in Windowed mode.
Macros Menu on the KVM Tab
Selectthe keyboard shortcut you want to execute on the remote system.
Tools Menu on the KVM Tab
DescriptionMenu Item
Opensthe Session Options dialog box thatlets you specify:
• Whether all keystrokes are passed to the targetsystem when the
consoleis in Windowed mode. The default is no.
• The termination key when in single cursor mode. The default is
• The mouse acceleration to use on the targetsystem. The default
Turnson the single cursor feature, which offsets mouse alignment issues
encounteredon some remote operating systems. When you turn this
featureon, the mouse pointer is trapped within the viewer window.
Toturn the feature off, press the termination key specified in the Session
Optionsdialog box.
Opensthe Stats dialog box, whichdisplays the:
• Frame rate measured in number of frames per second
• Bandwidth measured in number of KBs per second
• Compression measured in the percentage of compression being
• Packet rate measured in number of packets per second
Opensthe Session User List dialog box that shows all the user IDs that
havean activeKVM session.
SessionUser List
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
614 OL-25712-04
KVM Console